men : outer garments
Wide neckline
Short wide sleeves
About mid calf length
Full, loose body
Closed down the front
with buttons
front sewn closed
Decorative tabs at center front neckline
L to R:
1343. Hecho del rey don Jaime, Universidad de Barcelona, España (detalle)
1396 y 1408. Caballeros jugando al ajedrez, Sala de los Reyes época nazarí, Alhambra de Granada, España (detalle)
1280-85. Cantiga de Santa María Alfonso X el Sabio, Biblioteca del Monasterios de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, España (detalle)
length between thigh and knee
worn by both men and women
By end of 14th c., was primarily a woman’s garment
In Castile, fashion was for short collars on the mantonet
Loose, full length garment
wide sleeves and a hood
Wool, satin, silk, sackcloth (peasants)
Could be decorated with strips of fabric, etc