Men’s Undergarments
Camisa (shirt)
Cantigas de Santa María by Alfonso X el Sabio, around 1280-85, Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (detail)
largely the same in shape and style as the 13th century
primarily made of white or natural linen
narrow neck opening
straight sleeves
usually mid thigh to mid calf
rectangular construction
Image at left shows seam lines for construction
Bragas (Breeches)
primarily made of white or natural linen
usually mid thigh
tied with a drawstring
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Andres Marzal de Sax. Retable of St George (detail) c. 1400 Tempera on wood, 670 x 486 cm (full retable) Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Andres Marzal de Sax. Retable of St George (detail) c. 1400 Tempera on wood, 670 x 486 cm (full retable) Victoria and Albert Museum, London
H. 1283-87. The Book of Games of Alfonso X the Wise, Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (detail)
Calzas (Hosen)
cut on bias
full length; can be rolled down
parti color or embroidered was popular
L to R:
Altarpiece of San Martín de Tours, Benito Arnaldi, early XV, Church of San Félix de Gerona, Torralba de Ribota, Zaragoza
Anonymous, around 1396, Art Institute, Chicago (detail)