Men’s Undergarments

Camisa (shirt)

Cantigas de Santa María by Alfonso X el Sabio, around 1280-85, Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (detail)

  • largely the same in shape and style as the 13th century

  • primarily made of white or natural linen

  • narrow neck opening

  • straight sleeves

  • usually mid thigh to mid calf

  • rectangular construction

Image at left shows seam lines for construction

Bragas (Breeches)

  • primarily made of white or natural linen

  • usually mid thigh

  • tied with a drawstring

L to R:

  1. Andres Marzal de Sax. Retable of St George (detail) c. 1400 Tempera on wood, 670 x 486 cm (full retable) Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  2. Andres Marzal de Sax. Retable of St George (detail) c. 1400 Tempera on wood, 670 x 486 cm (full retable) Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  3. H. 1283-87. The Book of Games of Alfonso X the Wise, Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (detail)

Calzas (Hosen)

  • cut on bias

  • full length; can be rolled down

  • parti color or embroidered was popular

L to R:

  1. Altarpiece of San Martín de Tours, Benito Arnaldi, early XV, Church of San Félix de Gerona, Torralba de Ribota, Zaragoza

  2. Anonymous, around 1396, Art Institute, Chicago (detail)