The habito: Housedress of queens
Red linen habito
This red and gold herringbone linen habito was an experiment with a round neckline rather than the rectangular slot neckline of the blue-green garment.
There was altogether too much bulk in this iteration, and the garment was way too short. It sure was nice for trundling around Pennsic, though.
It has since been sold on to someone who thinks it’s amazing.
Blue-green linen habito
This blue-green herringbone linen suffers from the same problems as the gold. I hadn’t really figure out how to do the narrow rectangle neckline, so there is a TON of weight across the horizontal edge. It’s also too short overall.
This one is still in my wardrobe, because it is just so nice to have at Pennsic.
damask habito
This was my very first attempt at a habito, salvaged from my very first attempt at a houppelande. Neither were very successful. This habito has a bad tendency to bind about the breasts, which is deeply unflattering, but it makes a really good garment to throw on when I’m just not feeling like a structured garment.
It’s currently waiting for me to decide if it stays as is, or if I’m going to reclaim the fabric for something else.