12th Night Update (brief)

Well, the 12th Night Project from less-than-ideal sources proved to be a less-than-ideal experiment. I rushed myself too much, made some mistakes, had some materials and concept failures, etc. I did wear the gown- although it was a Laurel's ingenuity away from being the event I drove 6 hours and then sat in the hotel - but the only photo that has surfaced so far is of my face, looking very grumpy indeed.

Anyway, I  have put the gown in the Naughty Corner until I feel like fixing the problems. It's still a lovely idea, and I know what needs to be done, but the dress and I Need to See Other People.

So it's on to Kingdom A&S for me. I am nearly done with my display and docs for an assortment of men's hats from Spain. The majority of the hats are knitted and fulled, but there is one sewn hat that I am currently working on. At least one of the hats was made as a gift, and I suspect one more will be going home with someone else after the event. This is fine with me, since I am not a man and therefore have no need for a great pile of men's hats...