In February, Their Majesties Vladimir and Kalisa of Atlantia called me into court and presented me with a writ to consider joining their Order of the Laurel. For non-SCA folks, the Laurel is our organization's highest award for excellence in the arts and sciences, and represents an acknowledgement that one in an expert in one's field.
On March 30th, I sat vigil and was elevated to the Order. It was an amazing, thrilling, humbling day, and I am beyond touched to be included in the Order alongside people whom I have admired for years.
I have finished collating and labelling all the photos from my vigil and elevation to the Order of the Laurel, and they are available in the Elevation Gallery. Very soon, I hope to take photos of some of the objects that were gifted to me, and add those to the gallery as well. Right now, I am filling out thank you cards for all the people who worked so hard to make my day special.