Men’s clothing in 14th century iberia

Northern Christian Kingdoms

1346. Vida de San Marcos, atribuido a la familia Arnau Bassa, retablo de la Catedral de Santa María de Manresa, Barcelona (detalle)


Jewish clothing of the time was essentially identical to the clothing worn by the majority around them. In Christian kingdoms, Jews tended to adopt the clothing of the local Christian majority, while in Muslim regions, they wore Muslim dress.

Rather than repeating whole sections of information, I have chosen to point out some of the more disticntive items of dress that are unique to the Jewish population. The images are drawn from the many 14th c. Spanish Sephardi Haggadot (liturgical books, used at Seder, telling the Exodus story.


  • Undergarments

  • First layer

  • Second layer

  • Outer garments

  • Accessories